Hunyadi János
DE OEC Bőrgyógyászati Klinika, 4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei krt. 98.
Látogatottság: 6634
Telefon: 52/442-204
Education: |
M.D., 1967, University Medical School of Szeged, Hungary |
Spec. in Derm. Ven., 1970, National Board for Certification |
Spec. in Immunology, 1979, National Board for Certification |
Spec. in Allergy, 1985, National Board for Certification |
Scientific title: |
C.Sc. (Ph.D.), 1983, Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
D.Sc., 1993, Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
Experience abroad: |
Amsterdam, Binnengasthuis, Dept. of Dermatology; 1974-1975 |
Washington, Bethesda, Naval Medical Research Institute; 1979-1980 |
Erlangen, Dept. of Dermatol. MTA-DEG Research Project; 1985 |
Membership: |
President, Ger.-Hung. Dermatol. Soc.; Board Member, Eur. Immuno-Dermatol. Soc.; Board |
Member, Hung. Dermatol. Soc.; Board Member, Hung. Allerg. Clin. Immunol. Soc; Hung. |
Immunol. Soc. |
Editorial board: |
Bőrgyógyászati és Venerologiai Szemle. Allergológia és Klinikai Immunológia |
Research activities (keywords): |
dermatology, wound healing, allergology, tumor immunology, psoriasis, SCID |
mouse, atopic dermatitis, melanoma malignum |
Identification: |
dermatologist, immunologist, allergologist |
Description of major fields of interest: |
Investigation of the different factors influencing the healing process of full-thickness human skin defects. Study of the skin immune system with special interest in human keratinocytes. |
Selected publications/patents: |
1. |
Hunyadi, J., Farkas, B., Bertényi, C.: Keratinocyte grafiting: A new means of transplantation for full-thickness wounds. J. Dermatol. Surg. Oncol., 14, 75-78, 1988. |
2. |
Hunyadi, J., Simon, M.Jr., Dobozy, A.: Immune-associated markers of human keratinocytes. Immunol Lett., 31, 209-216, 1992. |
3. |
Hunyadi, J., Simon, M.Jr., Kenderessy, Sz.A.: Expression of adhesion molecules and monocyte markers on cultured human keratinocytes. Eur. J. Dermatol., 2, 50-55, 1992. |
4. |
Hunyadi, J., Simon, M.Jr.: Expression of monocyte/macrophage markers (CD13, CD4, CD68) on human keratinocytes in healthy and diseased skin. J. Derm., 20, 341-345, 1993. |
5. |
Simon, M.Jr., Hunyadi, J.: Macrophage Markers 25F9 and 27E10 on human keratinocytes in normal and diseased skin. J. Derm., 20, 618-622, 1993. |